OZONE in food preservation
The direct germicidal action of Ozone (O3) on all types of microorganisms, both fungi, bacteria and viruses, prevents accelerated decomposition and the appearance of unpleasant odors in food.
Among bacteria that commonly contaminate food, are among other families: Pseudonomas, Flavobacterium, Streptococcus, Legionella, among fungi, many belong to the Candila and Aspergillus genera. (A. Niger, A. Fumigatus).
In the case of fungi and bacteria that cause food degradation, Ozono is also effective against spores that spread. It is known that the mentioned spores are very resistant when the conditions are adverse, being able to remain long

time in a latent state, moving from place to place through the air or other means until finding favorable temperature and humidity conditions again, in which case they will give rise to a new infection. In such cases ozone provides very effective protection.
The use of cold rooms is essential for the conservation of perishable products such as meat, fish, milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables, etc. but it is very important to take into account its disinfection and deodorization, problems that are easily solved with ozonation.
Food is an ideal medium for the propagation and reproduction of fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms; the cold does not destroy them, but simply encysts them, from so that, when the temperature increases and they find a suitable environment, they reproduce again.
To solve this problem, ozonizers are used with satisfactory results and without adding foreign substances to the food, since it destroys germs, achieving effective disinfection and deodorization of the chambers.

Meat is one of the most perishable foods. For its conservation and storage, low temperatures are used and, in many cases, freezing when the storage time is to be increased. A large part of the germs are not destroyed by the cold, but are paralyzed in their activity, encysting, recovering their vigor when the conditions become favorable for them.
Ozone does not immobilize the activity of these microorganisms, but rather destroys them, guaranteeing product asepsis, achieving an appreciable increase in storage time and reducing possible unpleasant odours.
Fruit is one of the most delicate foods. Due to its high water content, it is conducive to the development of putrefaction fermentation and the proliferation of microorganisms in the place of storage. An adequate ozonation manages to increase the conservation time, eliminating all kinds of germs and preventing fermentation, achieving a better presentation of the product.
Ozone plays a unique role in prolonging the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. When they ripen, they produce ethylene which speeds up the ripening process. Ozone reacts rapidly with ethylene, forming an intermediate product (ethylene oxide), which breaks the carbon-carbon bond to produce carbon dioxide and water.
H2C = CH2 + O3 → H2C + CH2 + _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_O3 → _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ CO2 + H20
This delays the maturation process to a greater or lesser extent depending on the product.
The formation of various types of bacteria on fish and shellfish, produce their accelerated decomposition and the appearance of visual appearance and unpleasant odors. In relation to this, ozone reduces the microbial attack and neutralizes the external effects and odors that it produces, extending the life of the product.
The Ozonation of water for the processing of fish and shellfish provides a more effective cleaning of the same, eliminating substances and microorganisms that accelerate decomposition. As well as for the disinfection of work utensils and processing premises, so that on the following day we will have favorable hygiene conditions.
The ozonation of the environment and the water in the processing and storage premises are very useful sanitary measures to reduce the contamination of the product and the loss of quality caused fundamentally by microbial invasions.
The chambers intended for the storage of eggs must have a relative humidity of 90% in order to avoid losses and contractions that they experience through the porosities of the shells, due to evaporation.
As we have mentioned in other reports, this high humidity is the main problem, as it is the ideal environment for the formation of molds that accelerate putrefaction.
Ozone, once again comes to solve this problem, preventing its formation and prolonging the storage period without presenting any decrease in quality and appearance.
Eggs subjected to an ozone dosage of 1.5 to 3 PPM have been stored for 8 months and have not shown any difference with respect to fresh, natural or cooked eggs, with the particularity that the former are totally free of mold and other harmful germs.
Ozone does not present contra-indications; after carrying out its bactericidal and deodorizing mission, it is converted back into oxygen without leaving any residual, as can happen with other systems with chemical products.