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OZONE in public environments

Ozone is especially indicated for a wide variety of public environments, such as:

Changing rooms, warehouses, stores, cinemas, hospitals, cafeterias, bingos, casinos, residences, educational centers, nightclubs, offices, hotels, restaurants, gyms, libraries, among others.

Ozone exerts a very effective action against:


  • Chemical microorganisms of organic origin (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.).

  • Chemical contaminants (transforming them into innocuous).

  • Eliminates unpleasant odours.


Ozone is a very active molecule, made up of three oxygen atoms, and its mechanisms of action against chemical pollutants are, fundamentally:


  1. By direct oxidation , on the polluting molecules, incorporating an oxygen atom, with the consequent splitting of the Ozone molecule and the release of an oxygen molecule.

  2. By adding the ozone molecule to the contaminant , which forms a third unstable molecule that breaks into others of lower molecular weight.


A means of distribution of Ozone is through air conditioning systems that, among others, represent the following advantages:


  • Easy distribution to all areas of the building.

  • Taking advantage of the drive of the system for its diffusion.

  • Preservation of the hygiene of the ducts.

  • Centralized access to the Ozone generator control.

  • Reduction of maintenance costs of the air conditioning system.


A building that does not have adequate environmental conditions will have negative effects on the health of its occupants. This itself will significantly influence the labor productivity of employees.


Environmental protection has a favorable effect on the rate of absenteeism. Physical discomfort, irritation or dryness of the eyes, nose and throat, reddening of the skin, mental fatigue, memory changes or stress are some of the health problems in people affected by the Syndrome. of the Sick Building typified by the studies carried out by the WHO.


The maintenance of the building is a key aspect, but on many occasions the cleaning of the air conditioning ducts and filters is deficient, with access and operability difficulties. On the other hand, it is known that a cleaning, no matter how deep, must be completed with a disinfectant agent. However, a temporary action disinfectant is not enough to guarantee the hygiene of ducts and premises for the time between two consecutive cleanings. The most appropriate and safe solution is the continuous dosage of a broad-acting agent such as Ozone, both through air conditioning systems, and in work or storage areas, by direct dilution.

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