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OZONE in casinos



With ozonation, these odors will be eliminated, since ozone is an oxygen that reacts with odor-producing substances, altering their structure, in such a way that the new substance formed does not have any odour. In the same way, a very important point in the health field is the disinfection that it performs by eliminating existing germs in the environment.


Ozone easily achieves a very pleasant environment without the need for extensive ventilation, without odors of any kind, while achieving sterilization of the premises and its materials (tablecloths, cutlery, etc.)




They have two fundamental problems:


  1. The first of these is contamination by germs, since bathrooms are an ideal environment for their development.

  2. The other problem is the unpleasant odors that are produced.


A method that is frequently used is the perfumers, but it is not good since they add a new apparently pleasant smell that, when mixed with the existing smells, cause an even more unpleasant smell, in addition to the cost of continuous changes.


Another solution used is the use of bacteriostatics in the toilets, but these, as their word indicates, do not disinfect, but rather keep the bacteria static (immobile)  remaining in the bathrooms and disguising them with a deodorant perfume .


The most recommended and economical solution consists of the use of ozone generators, by attacking the chemical substances that produce bad odours, altering their structure, eliminating the root cause that produces them. In addition to achieving a disinfected environment, making bathrooms proper "cleaning" centers.




Ozone easily achieves a very pleasant environment without the need for extensive ventilation, without odors of any kind, while achieving sterilization of the premises and its materials (tablecloths, cutlery, etc.)


The kitchen, the neurological center of hotel activity, is a source of infection.


It is also an area that requires the maximum possible hygiene, taking into account the risks that its lack can cause in the business. With an adequate dilution of triatomic Oxygen (Ozone), its disinfection is achieved in addition to the elimination of unpleasant odors that, mixed, affect other dependencies.


With the installation of ozone generators, biological decontamination is achieved, eliminating all types of viruses, bacteria and suspended matter.


There are generators that are easily coupled to smoke extraction systems that eliminate the effects of these discharges to the outside, causing annoying odors in communities of owners and/or urban areas.




Cold does not destroy viruses, bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms, Ozone does. No contribution of chemical substances to food.


Interesting the magnificent results in the showcases displaying fish, shellfish and fresh meat, by greatly improving the image of the products.




The environment in which customers are accommodated is very important to the business.


The first impression is very important. It is very pleasant to find a space in which there is a pleasant sensation of cleanliness and free of odours.


For the owner, it is more than convenient to provide his premises with the maximum hygienic guarantees and, as far as possible, alleviate problems as typical as the conflict that arises between smokers and non-smokers, resolved to a great extent with ozonation.


An easy test to carry out is to observe that the typical odor that adheres to clothing in this type of premises is not appreciated if they are ozonated.




The disinfection of work tools is essential and this is not achieved by washing alone. Disinfection means eliminating risks of incubation and spread of diseases such as hepatitis or salmonellosis.

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