OZONE in senior centers
In ozonated residences, inmates and workers suffer less risk of contagion and a warmer life.
It is indisputable that day after day the number of elderly grows, reaching high percentages, in certain countries due to their quality of life, reaching more than 20% of the total population. Of all of them, in our current society, there is an increasing number of elderly, who feel better if they are inserted into a social structure (especially to escape loneliness), which shows a trend, depending on the needs of society, to create centers or residences for the elderly, since in most cases they cannot be cared for in due conditions by their relatives.

We are witnessing today and from the different social classes, a series of indisputable improvements, better economic benefits, a greater consideration of society, and above all the advances in its favor in the field of medicine that have considerably increased longevity, which is why these centers for the elderly are often overwhelmed.
Finding that in most of these, there are a series of problems that reduce the quality of life that belongs to them.
In these centers, therefore, the existence of a rarefied environment is very common, created fundamentally by the body odor that is very strong in these people and that is given off by the medicines that they are given, etc. All of this fosters a feeling of impure, unhealthy air.
With the use of Ozone, these problems can be largely avoided, based on its two fundamental functions, such as: DEODORANT and DISINFECTANT power. The deodorant power lies in its great capacity to degrade a wide range of molecules, which, due to their volatility, permeate the indoor air.
The centers for the elderly in general, are quite hermetic in many cases with little natural ventilation, to avoid air currents that could cause disorders to the elderly, leading, as we pointed out above, to an unpleasant environmental situation.
When visiting the residences as family or friends, we realize that these environmental conditions create a somewhat unpleasant sensation in us where the personnel who work in these centers are also affected by this problem, with greater intensity even than the elderly due to their greater capacity. perception of what is happening.

Ozone manages to purify the environment to a great extent, making its use highly recommended, noting its great effectiveness in this regard in a short time and thus both visitors, internal and employees will be able to obtain better living and working conditions.
In these centers with a clear rise in temperature, it stimulates sweating in the elderly. Body odor, whose origin is in the nitrogenous derivatives of sweat, is neutralized by the action of Ozone (O 3 ). On the other hand, it is worth highlighting the recognized fact that with old age, there is a process of reduction in sphincter control, in such a way that in certain areas such as toilets and also based on greater clumsiness of movement, in many Occasionally, the evacuations are not controlled, leaving remains that cause strong emanations, highly recommended when eliminating nitrogenous residues, classic components of urine, reducing them to odorless particles. Another type of smell that contributes to dirtying the indoor air in these centers, as in many others, are those coming from the kitchens that can invade other rooms in the center. In these cases, OZONE also considerably reduces these emissions by creating a highly effective barrier preventing their spread outside the kitchen.
Precisely, what is intended in this type of center is to avoid stressful situations for the elderly, since having a deteriorated organism, it is possible that there is an abnormal activation of some molecules (catecholamines) that can pose a threat to health . Ozone, to the extent that it exerts a deodorant and therefore purifying action, contributes to a relaxing environment.
Indoor air pollutants: dust, fiberglass, microorganisms, etc., are easily transported through the air conditioning ducts, spreading throughout the building, causing allergic processes and even infections. The elderly in these conditions can suffer even more from the problems of this type of building. Then, the use of Ozone is recommended, since due to its purifying power, it largely prevents the recirculation of indoor air pollutants.
Finally, we record multiple highly positive experiences that have been obtained in nursing homes, being aware that both the elderly and the employees of these residences are very satisfied with the new environmental conditions that ozonation has provided.
“With the air we breathe most of our diseases, in contact with OZONE the microbes are burned and the toxins are destroyed.” - PASTEUR
“Removing impurities from the air by sterilizing it with OZONE, the chances of contracting infectious diseases are eliminated by 98%.” - RENAUD LAPORT