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OZONE in pharmacies

We are sending you this letter to inform you of the benefits you can obtain from the use of ozone (ozonation) in your establishments.


In a practical and economical way, by installing an electrical equipment (Ozone Generator) of low consumption (14 w/h), they will achieve, in addition to disinfecting the place and reducing the odors generated in it, something from our point of view that is more interesting and which we present below:


You know better than anyone that throughout the year you receive thousands of people, many of whom suffer from different illnesses and that at any time they could introduce (by simply breathing) different kinds of germs into your establishment.


In short, with ozonation all these risks are greatly reduced, in addition to achieving better quality in your work environment by having an environment with cleaner air.




“The absence of Ozone  in the air is a sign of polluted air.” - DOUGLAS GALTON


“With the air we breathe most of our diseases, in contact with Ozone the microbes are burned and the toxins are destroyed.” - PASTEUR


“Removing impurities from the air by sterilizing it with Ozone eliminates the chances of contracting infectious diseases by 98%.” - RENAUD LAPORT

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