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OZONE in the wine industry

Ozone has the privileged characteristic of being the most powerful ecological disinfectant in the world. Reacting rapidly with all contaminating agents (3,000 times faster than Chlorine, for example) and without leaving any type of residual.


For all these reasons, it is clearly deduced that ozonation is the best system that currently exists for disinfection due to its natural characteristics and low cost.


Ozonation is very beneficial at all stages of the wine production process, highlighting the following:


  • Disinfection of the interior of the barrels.

  • Brettanomyces control through barrel ozonation.

  • Disinfection of the facilities guaranteeing the absence of yeast, fungi and spores in the environment (production, bottling, etc.).

  • Washing of all the own utensils in the elaboration of the wine.




The application of Ozone optimizes wine production by reducing hygiene costs  throughout its process, currently being the best system for disinfection due to its natural characteristics.


Ozone is the most powerful ecological disinfectant in the world, it is an oxygen of three atoms (O 3 ) which reacts with the harmful substances contained in the air and water, disintegrating them by oxidation without leaving any type of residual, finally leaving oxygen (O 2 ). Ozone effectively eliminates microbes and germs, including the most resistant ones (spores, pseudomonas) directly with little ozone dosage.


Ozonation is highly beneficial at various stages of the production process:


  1. Disinfection of the interior of the barrels (Control of Brettanomyces).

  2. Disinfection of bottling areas, bottles, etc.

  3. Disinfection of fermentation tanks with ozonated water.  


Other disinfection systems used require more consumption of water, energy and the use of chemical products. Our system can be installed in the most sensitive areas that require a specific disinfection treatment.    




A magnificent system to extend the useful life of your oak barrels by direct injection of Ozone into them for sanitization and control of: Brettanomyces, TCA, Enterobacteria, Mould, etc. In addition to avoiding the modification of the bouquet that is produced by bacterial development. This methodology is becoming the most effective and ecological for bacterial control in the wine industry.




It consists of the injection of Ozone inside the barrel for a minimum time of 15 to 20 min. so that it is inserted between the  pore structure of the wood.


No matter that this longer indefinitely. Its disinfectant power destroys the strains of microorganisms at a molecular level: enterobacteria, contaminating yeasts, moulds, acetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and any other substance foreign to the composition of the wood, returning it to its almost initial state, freeing the porous structure by molecular disintegration and enabling re-micro-oxidation, leaving the barrel free of odors and flavors typical of other disinfectants, in addition to savings in traditional chemical products such as sulfur, which are increasingly controlled by official bodies with greater awareness_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_every day to use ecological products.




The bottling area is a sensitive point in the winemaking process, keeping the environment disinfected in the production areas is a must in the food industry. Benefits of Environmental Treatment:


  1. Nice and sanitized environment.

  2. Economic and automatic system.

  3. Improvement of the rate of absenteeism.

  4. Reduction of biological contaminants.

  5. It does not produce by-products.

  6. Ecological system.  


One means of ozonation is through air conditioning systems that, among others, represent the following advantages:


  1. Easy distribution to all areas.

  2. Preservation of the hygiene of the ducts.

  3. Centralized access to the Ozone generator control.

  4. Savings in A/A duct maintenance.       _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b_cf58d_


The other with easy-to-install wall-mounted equipment is distributed in the most critical areas of the facilities for environmental treatment and disinfection.

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